Tropical Bliss Gerbera Bouquet: A Palette of Vibrance and Fragrance
The Tropical Bliss Gerbera Bouquet from Fabulous Flowers offers a stunning medley of 20 multicolor Gerbera daisies, carefully arranged to celebrate love, joy, and beauty. Perfect for any occasion, this multicolor bouquet is thoughtfully designed by expert florists to make your moments unforgettable. What sets it apart are the luxurious add-on options that elevate your gift-giving experience.
Pair Flowers with Quality Wines
Enhance your bouquet with a bottle of Steenberg 1682 Chardonnay Cap Classique, a premium South African wine. The vibrant colours of the Gerbera bouquet paired with the crisp Chardonnay add a touch of sophistication to your gift.
Pair Flowers with Scented Candles
Add an elegant Safari Days Cape Island Candle to your bouquet. Hand-poured in South Africa with soy wax and imported perfume oils from France, this candle offers 35 hours of burning time. Its scent of cedarwood, patchouli, bergamot, and wild sage transports you to the African Bushveld, adding sensory delight to the vibrant Gerbera arrangement.
Pair Flowers with Nougat & Bon Bons
For a sweet addition, pair the Gerbera bouquet with White Belgian Chocolate and strawberry Handmade Honey Nougat, including ten indulgent bon bons. This gourmet treat elevates the experience, making it a feast for the senses.
Why Choose Fabulous Flowers?
Based in Cape Town, Fabulous Flowers specializes in bespoke floral arrangements and multicolor bouquets for every occasion, offering something for everyone. With same-day delivery for orders placed before 12 pm, you can trust us to make your special moments luxurious and memorable.
Order the Tropical Bliss Gerbera Bouquet today and elevate your gifting experience with Fabulous Flowers!